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Students Selected to Present at National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR)Contributed by Stephanie St. John on 03/30/17
Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, NCUR is a gathering of young scholars and presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all corners of the academic curriculum. Through this annual conference, NCUR creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship, and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education. Students, listed below, will be accompanied by Associate Professor James Pfrehm, Modern Languages and Literatures, Rasoul Rezvanian, Associate Dean/Business, and Jim Johnson, Lecturer, Marketing and Law.
School of Business Samantha Reilly, Legal Studies Sexual Violence and Collegiate Athletes Casey Phillips, Legal Studies Can Congress Restrict State-Sponsored Displays of Historically Oppressive Symbols? / The Historical Evolution of Laws Involving Sex Trafficking Within the United States Zachary Luckin, Legal Studies Barriers to Renewable Energy: The U.S. Government and Fossil Fuels Nicole Cardascia, Legal Studies The Legal Aspects of the Technology Providing Captioning for Broadway Productions Julia Bates, Legal Studies The Philosophical and Legal implications of The Animal Welfare Act and their Definition of an "Animal" Theophilus Alexander, Legal Studies S.B. 1070: A Transgression of Civil Liberties Joshua Marshall, Legal Studies Fourth Amendment Implications on the Search of a Smartphone Nicole Ang, Legal Studies From Victim to Victimizer: The Case of Dominic Ongwen Stephanie Lipari, Legal Studies Should The FAA Require Civilian Commercial Aircraft Manufacturers To Place Real Time Tracking Technology Device On All Aircraft? Shannon Davis, Legal Studies Hazardous Chemical Dumping Madeleine Anthony, Legal Studies Sexual Assault within the Workplace: Determining Liability among Employers/More than the Guillotine: The Reign of Terror's Approach to Criminal Justice in the French Revolution Taulant Gashi, Business/Finance/Accounting Interest Rate Projections
School of H&S Naomi Hanson Hanson, History Exploiting a Pirate Legend: The Twentieth Century Manipulation of Granuaile O'Malley Elizabeth Alexander, International Studies Sameness and Difference: Is the United States Capable of Having an International Conversation? Cailin Harro, Biology Isolation and Characterization of Central Proteins in A. Subfuscus Glue Colette Piasecki-Masters, Biology Comparison of Sugars and Amino Acids in Nectar from Scaevola Taccada and Scaevola Plumieri Janelle Harter, Biology Behavioral Syndromes and Sex Specificity in the Siberian Dwarf Hamster Victoria Wright, Biology Functional Genomics of Somatosensory Neuron Signaling and Morphology Cassandra Papaleo, Biology Sequencing Reveals Integral Proteins in Arion Subfuscus Slug Glue Adriana Morales Gomez, Biology Population Genetics of Scaevola in the islands of Puerto Rico Danielle Bucior, Biology Comparison of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Terrestrial Plants in Vieques, Puerto Rico Alycia Summers, Biology Can Your Mom Stress You Out Before You're Born? Anna Tarren, Cell & Molecular Biology Effects of Cell Stress and Low Density Lipoprotein Concentration on the Localization of Amyloid Precursor Protein Ambra Munlyn, Cell & Molecular Biology Dissecting the Roles of PLA2-Mediated Tubules and STARD4 in Intracellular Cholesterol Transport Meghann Muldowney, Cellular Neuroscience Angiotensin 1-7 Increases nNOS Expression in Cardiac Ganglia Cells of Guinea Pigs Ian Wolf, Microbiology & Immunology Long-Chain Acyl-Coa Synthetase (ACSL) Blockade in Cell Lines Of Diverse Host Species Has Unique Effects On Chlamydia Trachomatis Growth Suzanne Zuckerman, Cognitive Neuroscience Researching the Effects of Passive and Active Movement on Level of Activity in 8-11 Month Old Infants' Prefrontal Lobe Allan Bowen, Biochemistry Exploring Conformational Propensities of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Auxin Signaling Michele Hau, Communications Arguing About Racism: The Problem of Essentially Contested Concepts Ngan Tran, Economics Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Vietnam Manufacturing Sector Kaitlyn Matrassi, Linguistics Argentinians' Perceptions of Spanish Dialects Rachel Barone and Matthew Nanna, Environmental Studies & Sciences Fish and Pharmaceuticals: The Effect of Venlafaxine on Swimming Behavior of Fathead Minnows Victoria Chamberlin, Environmental Studies & Sciences Monitoring the Spread of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Around Ithaca, New York Matthew Finegan, Environmental Studies & Sciences Metformin Madness: Effects of an Anti-Diabetic Drug On Epidermal Club Cell Investment in Fathead Minnows Anna Bornstein, Environmental Studies & Sciences Solving the Environmental Beef Crisis Caitlyn Patullo, Environmental Studies & Sciences Effects of Metformin on Growth and Appetite in Juvenile Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) After 7-Day Chronic Exposures Tara Perry, Environmental Studies & Sciences Concentration of Dissolved Inorganic Solids and Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Natural Springs of Central New York Daniel Tjie, Mathematics Explorations of Finger Games Amy Parker, Physics A Toxicology and Characterization Study of Microplastics Megan Tracy, Public Health An Investigation of Implicit Personality Theories and Mechanisms of Coping Chris Kim, Sociology Racial-Ethnic Online Dating Preferences Olivia Sod, Religious Studies Fitting an Ocean in an 8 oz. Glass: An Analysis of the Rhetorical Limits of Gendering God and the Emancipatory Potential of Degendering God
School of HSHP Catherine Felicetti, Public Health Providing Audiological Services Globally Madeline Haftel, Education Analysis of Multiple Modes of Contact with an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Park School of Communication Grant Brighter, Film/Photography Studies Warped Space-Time: Exploiting Schematic Assumptions in “Ritual in Transfigured Time” Sydney O'Shaughnessy, Journalism Gen Z's First Election and Use of Social Media Jennifer Walsh, Film/Photography Studies “Good God, Lemon:” Examining the Atypical Female in 30 Rock Tessa Lewis Polsky, Communications Conflict Management through Social Media in Natural Disaster Crises Jamie Shum, Communications The Effects of Personality Types (Introversion-Extraversion) on Promoting Feminism on Social Media Platforms Ahana Dave, Journalism A Vicious Cycle: Do Black Lives Matter to the Media? Mikayla Lydon, Communications Food System Design Inquiry: Counter-Systeming the Wicked Problem
School of Music Hannah Blanchette, Music Redefining Femininity Through Music From A New Hope to The Force Awakens |
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