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The ICC Director will be holding a series of focus groups/listening sessions with students during the last two weeks of classes. This is an opportunity for students to share feedback about their theme and the integration of their theme across their perspectives courses and within their major.

Sessions will be held on the following dates:
Thursday, April 27th 7pm-8pm
Friday, April 28th 12 noon-1pm
Wednesday, May 3rd 7pm-8pm

Come share your classroom experiences to start a conversation!
Please RSVP for a particular session to if you wish to attend.

(If you have specific concerns about your degree evaluation, e-portfolio, or advising, please schedule an individual meeting with the Academic Advising Center or email

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact ICC at or (607) 274-3113. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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