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 ANTH 37900-01, formerly an undesignated generic course, now has a title:

ANTH 37900-01 Statement Patterns and Landscapes: Regional Approaches to Archaeology

 The course will be offered by the department's new archaeologist, Dr. Tom Garrison.  His description of the course:

This course looks at how archaeologists study ancient cultures from a regional perspective, tracing the history of disciplinary inquiry from settlement pattern studies developed in the 1950s to the most current landscape approaches. You will gain an understanding of the field and laboratory methods involved in regional studies, including the use of GIS and remote sensing technologies. We will explore the different types of spaces that intertwine with human settlements, including natural, economic, political, ideological, urban, and subsistence landscapes. Students will also try to understand how ancient people conceived of and experienced their surroundings within the framework of past cultural systems. Students will be graded based on short writing assignments, class discussion and presentations, and a final research paper.

The course has no prerequisites other than sophomore standing.     

Anthropology/Archaeology course offered | 0 Comments |
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