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A “lunchtime” yoga class is being offered Wednesdays beginning July 26 at the Fitness Center from 10:45 to 11:45, is suitable for beginners, those with other than Iyengar yoga experience who wish to learn, and for those with limitations.  The class will focus on why props are used in yoga poses and will teach each class member how to work with their limitations, fears and strengths to get the sense of freedom and ease that yoga can bring.

Gain concentration, reduce the effects of stress and become strong and supple through practicing yoga. James Eavenson has been teaching yoga for 18 years, travels yearly to India to study with Iyengar senior teachers and has taught in New York City, Florida, California, Mumbai, Costa Rica and Massachusetts.  He teaches yoga with humor, with discipline and with an adept eye and understanding of anatomy.

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4-week Introduction to Iyengar Yoga for Faculty/Staff | 0 Comments |
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