Thanks to all who came out for the study abroad fair - it was a great success and we thank you for your interest and participation. We are happy to announce the raffle prize winners for this year's fair...
Laura Tarone is our Grand Prize Winner of a $250 Travel Voucher, courtesy of STA Travel - congratulations, Laura!
Our additional prize winners include:
- Jillian Parker (Campus Store gift card)
- James Tisdell (Campus Store gift card)
- Meghan Beahan (IC T-shirt)
- Eryn Williams (IC T-shirt)
- Victoria Ammirato (IC or IES Abroad water bottle)
- Nora Hanley (IC or IES Abroad water bottle)
- Mira Moreau (IC or IES Abroad water bottle)
- Stavrini Tsangari (IC or IES Abroad water bottle)
- Elise Korfonta (IC travel mug)
- Isabelle Michaud (IC travel mug)
- Irina Noonan (HobNobs British biscuits)
- Ashley Warren (Tim Tams Australian biscuits)
- Stephanie Goldberg (IES Abroad travel adapter)
- Jill Ruthauser (IES Abroad travel adapter)
- Lexy Mason (Travel document holder)
- Nicole Menz (University of Sydney duffle bag)
- Arleigh Rodgers (University of Sydney koala)
- Juliette Vetare (University of Sydney koala)
- Benjamin Bergstrom (NTU pen & notebook set)
- Yehonatan Geer (IES Abroad portable phone charger)
- Samantha Epstein (free coffee certificate)
- Laura Jenkins (free coffee certificate)
- Harrison Krebs (free coffee certificate)
- Anna Moura (free coffee certificate)
- Sarah Tymm (free coffee certificate)
- Charles Bemis (free smoothie certificate)
- Britney Bostley (free smoothie certificate)
- Claire Conklin (free smoothie certificate)
- Molly Crocker (free smoothie certificate)
- Vivian Goldstein (free smoothie certificate)
- Samuel Haut (free smoothie certificate)
- Meghan Lopez (free smoothie certificate)
- Brandon Tate (free smoothie certificate)
- Genevieve Tripler (free smoothie certificate)
- Emma Zarabet (free smoothie certificate)
Congratulations to all of the raffle prize winners, and thanks once again everyone who attended. We hope you got plenty of good information about studying abroad, and look forward to working with you to plan your study abroad experience.
For more information about study abroad, like us on Facebook, join the Study Abroad OrgSync portal, or contact International Programs directly at 274-3306 or with questions or to schedule an appointment.