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Dec. 16, SAT 7:00 - 8:15pm
Whalen: Hockett Recital Hall,
Free, pizza reception to follow.

I.C. Alum Kurt Lichtmann presents a fun & entertaining 80 minute concert of Italian (Neapolitan), German, Spanish, classical, pop, some opera, some folk, a lot of great music that you pretty much never hear in Ithaca - and certainly not by a bass-baritone! Some serious, some lighthearted, some sing-a-longs, and some intense theatrical emotional meatgrinders! Fiesta of styles and tone colors, with interesting and amusing commentaries! You will be entertained! FREE PIZZA RECEPTION TO FOLLOW.

Kurt earned his Masters Degree in Music at Ithaca College, M.M. Ed. Voice/Piano, long, long ago in 1982. Since then, he has sung on the stages of school auditoriums, and smoky country bars, well over a thousand times. And now... he's back, with great gratitude to his current fabulous vocal coach Imogen Mills (I.C. Music Ed/Voice Class of 2018), as well as his former I.C. voice teachers, the legendary Leslie Bennett, and Roland Bentley. His other I.C. music professors read like a Who's Who of the luminous and venerated: Mary Arlin, Dave Riley, Dana Wilson, Ron Regal, Liz Regal, Marge Porterfield, Jim Porterfield, Larry Doebler, Gary Brodhead, Ed Swenson, and more. Were they here today, they would undoubtedly join in unison, "Don't blame us! He went his own way!"

Video preview {a few short clips: 1m51s}
The Complete Printed Program

The reviews are already pouring in from four performances in November at Longview, Lifelong, Kendal, and Brookdale.

"Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful singing voice, musical expertise
and obvious enthusiasm for the pieces you performed."

"It was wonderful!"

"Your program was very diverse and engaging - from the very serious love songs to the rollicking German hiking song, with other humorous and dramatic pieces mixed in."

"It was fun. You are quite an entertainer!"

"A good time was definitely had by all!"

"Thank you for your time and energy and providing us an entertaining evening. "
"I have a sense that everyone liked you and enjoyed the program. "

"Everything about tonight was Perfect! You are a fortune cookie!"

Musical bio:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kurt Lichtmann at or (607) 274-3129. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Alumni Vocal Concert Dec 16 - w/ pizza reception | 0 Comments |
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