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Fall 2018 Course Registration

Contributed by Vikki Levine on 03/15/18 

The fall 2018 course schedule will be available for view on Homerconnect and Degree Works beginning Monday, March 19th.

On Monday, March 26th, after 12pm students will be able to view their Registration Status (aka Time Ticket) on HomerConnect. Registration Status lets students know what time they can register for classes. To ensure the most accurate time, students should confirm all transfer credits have been awarded and complete any change of majors/minors/concentrations.

Students in H & S, RLS, Pre-Pro, and current freshmen in the School of Business are required to meet with their advisor to receive their RAC (registration access code) which will be available to advisors Monday, March 19th by noon. The only way for a student to obtain this code is to make an advising appointment with their advisor.

 The Registrar's Office will open at 7:30 am on April 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th.


Registration status is based on credits earned (this will include block one courses), in progress spring and summer courses DO NOT count in the credit total for registration.

 Prerequisite Checking and Course Restrictions WILL include review of spring and summer course registration.

 Tuesday, April 3rd  
 7:30 am: Special Populations
12:15 pm: UG Students with 90+ Earned Credit Hours  

• Wednesday, April 4th
7:30 am: Graduate Students

• Thursday, April 5th 
7:30 am & 12:15 pm (students randomly divided)
UG Students with 60 - 89.9 Earned Credit Hours

• Tuesday, April 10th 
7:30 am & 12:15 pm (students randomly divided)
UG Students with 30 - 59.9 Earned Credit Hours

• Thursday, April 12th
7:30 am & 12:15 pm (students randomly divided)
UG Students with under 30 Earned Credit Hours

Registration Guides:

Other helpful links:

Fall 2018 Course Registration | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Fall 2018 Course Registration Comment from balbis on 03/19/18
The course schedule is not appearing on Homer Connect, so no one can see the
classes available currently.