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Susan Durnford, M.S., CCC-SLP, Clinical Associate Professor in the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Department presented a talk at the Utah State Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Conference (March1-2, 2018) in Salt Lake City, UT. 

 The talk, Tell Me A Story!  The Power of Using Stories with Adult Clients, presented evidence-based strategies to facilitate storytelling for individuals with adult neurogenic communication and/or cognitive disorders (e.g., closed head injury, aphasia, dementia, etc.).  Strategies included specific formats for both factual (e.g., biographical) and fictitious storytelling. 



Susan Durnford Speaks at Utah State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference | 1 Comments |
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Susan Durnford Speaks at Utah State Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationAnnual Conference Comment from depalma on 03/23/18
Congratulations, Susan! Great work!