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Symposium on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Making a Difference in Music and Education April 13 & 14, at ICContributed by Ellie Fulmer on 04/12/18
Symposium on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Making a Difference in Music and Education April 13 & 14 - Ithaca College
This free conference will take place Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14, and brings together national and local experts on music education, culturally responsive teaching, and educational equity. All are invited to attend. Continuing education credit for NY certified K-12 teachers is available. The Symposium on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Making a Difference in Music and Education is geared towards teachers and prospective teachers, as well as Education Minors, and those who will work with youth in any capacity. Music teachers will learn how to program culturally empowering music and to build a safe and supportive community of learners and performers in the K–12 classrooms and other relevant settings. Academic classroom teachers will learn how to create highly engaging, multicultural, interdisciplinary, critically reflective learning experiences for the purpose of achieving academic success and constructive identity development. All participants will learn about the effectiveness of instruction and school experiences of all students, and particularly for from historically marginalized populations. Let people know you’re going via the Facebook event! A full schedule is below: Friday, April 13th § 9:00am - Keynote Address: Affirming Students' Musical Lives - Whalen 3102 (Presser Hall). Presented By: Constance McKoy (Department of Music Education, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Co-Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching in Music Education) § 10:00am - LGBTQ Themes in Music Education: Inclusion, Intersectionality, and Social Justice - Whalen 2105 (Iger Lecture Hall). Presented By: Luca Maurer (Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness, Ithaca College) § 11:00am - Break § 1:00pm - Featured Presentation: Leveraging Youths’ and Families’ Historical-Political Knowledge for Expansive Learning – Whalen 1207 (Music Ed Suite). Presented By: Sofia Villenas (Department of Anthropology, Cornell University) § 2:00pm - Hip Hop, Pedagogically Speaking – Whalen 1207 (Music Ed Suite). Presented By: Sean Eversley Bradwell (Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, Ithaca College) § 3:00pm - What Is It Exactly Are We Responding To?: Using Literary Theory to Make Visible the Cultural Transactions Between Preservice Teachers, Students and Music – Whalen 1207 (Music Ed Suite). Presented By: Heather Hill (Department of Education, Ithaca College) § 4:00pm - ICMoC Reception & Discussion – Whalen 4308 (Nabenhauer Recital Hall). Presented By: Ithaca College Musicians of Color + Allies Student Organization § 5:30pm - Conclusion of Day One Activities Saturday, April 14th § 10:00am - Keynote Presentation: What Does Democracy Have to Do with Music Teaching? – Whalen 4308 (Nabenhauer Recital Hall). Presented By: Lisa DeLorenzo (Department of Music Education, Montclair State University; Author of Sketches in Democracy: Notes from an Urban Classroom) § 11:00am - The Problem of Authenticity in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy – Whalen 4308 (Nabenhauer Recital Hall). Presented By:Radio Cremata (School of Music, Ithaca College) § 12:00pm - Break § 2:00pm - The 3 S’s of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy - Whalen 2105 (Iger Lecture Hall). Presented By: Beatrice Olesko (School of Music, Ithaca College) § 3:00pm - Increasing Access to School Music through Popular Music Education - Whalen 2105 (Iger Lecture Hall). Presented By: Matthew Clauhs (School of Music, Ithaca College) § 4:00pm - Break-out Discussion Groups – Whalen 2304, 2330, 2328 § 5:00pm - Break § 7:30pm - Sticks and Bars Concert – Ford Hall § 8:15pm - Gospel Festival Concert – Ford Hall Let people know you’re going via the Facebook event! This event is co-organized by faculty in Music Education and the Education Department, with funding provided by President Collado’s Seed Grant Initiative. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Matthew Clauhs at or (607) 274-3603. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Thank you!
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