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The Gayatri Mantra: the oldest mantra of the Vedas, and the daily practice of millions of Hindus.

Presentation date, time  - tba, but soon hopefully. At this point, we are curious: is there any interest on the I.C. Campus? Email, please.

The presenter spent several months in India in 1976. Since 1970, he has met and practiced with several Jnana Yoga masters. His spoken and written Gayatri work has been verified by Sanskrit scholars, and native practitioners.

The presentation will offer the spoken and sung mantra, discuss briefly its history, its meaning in the context of Advaita Vedanta, its use and purpose, and then focus on teaching its precise pronunciation (rather than written representation in Devanagari), as well as the melody usually employed for chanting it. The approximately one-hour presentation will culminate in a chanting of at least one mala's worth of 108 repetitions, with musical backup - either with live instruments (we're working on it .....) or recorded - tba.

More information on the Gayatri and the presenter's hand-penned mantra mandalas in Sanskrit and Tibetan (not-for-profit) :

Free, but no pizza this time.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kurt Lichtmann at or (607) 274-3129. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Gayatri Mantra Presentation. Are you interested? | 0 Comments |
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