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Orientation is looking for a few volunteers from the Ithaca College community to attend “Dine Out" dinners for family members and guests attending orientation.

The Ithaca "Dine-Out" program is an opportunity for family members and guests to sign up for a reservation we have made at local restaurants in town.  The purpose of this program is to give our guests an opportunity to socialize with each other over a dinner hosted by an IC faculty/staff member.

You can volunteer to be a host, if you are an IC faculty/staff member, by selecting the dates you are available while completing this form: Hosts will need to be at the restaurant at 6:45 pm and will be provided with a list of who their guests will be the day of the dinner. Also - we will pay for your dinner!

 Please contact Kevin Perry with any questions; or 274-1908.

Ithaca "Dine Out" Program during Orientation | 0 Comments |
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