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Laura Muscalu (Psychology) publishes study exploring the cognitive mechanisms involved in bilingual language processingContributed by Judith Pena-Shaff on 08/22/18
Reference: Muscalu, L. M. & Smiley, P. A. (2018). The illusory benefit of cognates: Lexical facilitation followed by sublexical interference in a word-typing task. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
The study concentrates on the phenomena of cross-language facilitation and cross-language interference in retrieval and production of cognates. It uses an orthographic task in which people who speak two languages produce translations of English words while their response latencies at various linguistic levels are recorded. The pattern of findings – facilitated retrieval at the lexical level followed by interference at the sublexical (e.g., orthographic) level – addresses a larger question, namely, why word production can sometimes be easier at higher stages of the linguistic architecture and then become vulnerable at deeper stages? The results are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding the mechanisms of cross-language activation, cross-language competition, and successful word selection in dual language processing. Conclusions about the cognitive processes involved in word production, in general, are drawn.
Laura Muscalu (Psychology) publishes study exploring the cognitivemechanisms involved in bilingual language processing Comment from
scondeescu on
Congrats, Laura!
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