The Teaching & Learning with Technology have created professional development opportunities for faculty through a variety of series for the academic year. The series are:
- Brown Bag Lunch & Learn - share, discuss, and learn from each other around specific topics related to teaching and learning.
- Webinars - presented by TLT Staff or professional organizations (like EDUCAUSE sponsored sessions).
- Apps & Appetizers - drop-in sessions focus on learning technology tools and strategies you can learn and immediately apply to your teaching.
- Demo Days – hands-on exploration of learning technology.
The calendar and description of each event can be found on the Teaching & Learning with Technology event page and calendar available by clicking here -
September Events - Please go to the TLT webpage to view each of the events and RSVP.
- Brown Bag Lunch & Learn: Engaging Students in Classroom Discussion Through Digital Tools
September 18th @ 12:15-1:00
Friends 101 (TLC)
- Apps & Appetizers: Accessibility Features of Instructional Software and Applications (in collaboration with SAS)
September 19th @ 11:30-1:30
Job 103 (Faculty Learning Space)
- Top Hat Workshop
September 21st @ 12:30-2:00
Friends 101 (TLC)
- TLT Webinar: Using Formative Assessment to Engage Your Students in Learning
September 25th @ 12:15-12:45
Job 103 (Faculty Learning Space)
- Educause Webinar & Discussion: The Rise of the iGeneration and Its Impact on Higher Education
September 27th @ 12:10-1:00
Friends 101 (TLC)
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Mark L. Fink at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.