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HiFashion Studios is on the search for models for this semester's photo shoots and fashion show! Come to our auditions to try out and see if you can work the runway. 

When: There will be 4 sessions (you only need to attend one) Sat. September 15 at 2 pm, Sat. September 15 at 3 pm, Sun. September 16 at 11 am, and Sun. September 16 at Noon

Where: The Wood Gym in the Fitness Center for all sessions

What to Wear: Please wear a black or white t-shirt, jeans, and please BRING heels (girls) or dress shoes (guys). We ask that you arrive in different shoes than the ones you're auditioning in per Fitness Center policy. 

RSVP to our Facebook Event and Invite your friends:

We look forward to seeing you all then! 


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Phoebe Ertel at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Any other questions or concerns please contact

HiFashion Studios Model Auditions! | 0 Comments |
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