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Long-term Care (LTC) insurance is offered by Ithaca CollegeContributed by Katie Sack on 11/08/18
Unlike traditional health insurance, long-term care insurance is designed to cover long-term services and supports, including personal and custodial care in a variety of settings such as your home, a community organization, or other facility. Having a LTC insurance policy will help you to stay in your home as long as possible. If you want to explore other benefits and features of the College’s Long Term Care Insurance program, please read this detailed information concerning the plans available. For more information or to enroll go to: Use Group ID: IthacaCollege and Access Code: groupltc. You may also call 800.416.3624 to speak with a Program expert or to order an information kit. Visit Enter Group ID: ithacacollege and Access Code: groupltc or call 800.416.3624. |
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