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Kehillah was founded in September of 2018 to provide further opportunities for Jewish religious education on campus. The group also seeks to provide a community for students who identify with Conservative Judaism. Additionally, Kehillah sponsors weekly Shabbat services on Fridays in Muller Chapel at 6 PM. 

Kehillah's "Kickoff" event is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 5th from 7-8:30PM in Muller Chapel, and is designed to provide students with an additional opportunity to learn more about the group. Attendees will have the chance to compete for prizes while decorating pumpkins. Additionally, fall themed foods and hot beverages will also be served, and a warm fire will also be burning inside the Muller fireplace. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kehillah at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Kehillah: IC's New Conservative Jewish Group to host "Kickoff" | 0 Comments |
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