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SEATS AVAILABLE. CRN 42945 -  Meets TuTh 1:10-2:25 Park 228. 

Prof. Ari Kissiloff
* Freshman and students who have not yet taken STCM-11100 may override to get in.

STCM 20900 - Internet of Things in the Workplace: How Smart Devices Will Change Office Communication
In the past few years, automation systems have revolutionized the way devices can interact with the world around them. Everything is “smart” now: phones, homes, thermostats, cars, bikes, watches. While initially being targeted to personal use, much of this technology is now being leveraged by organizations to manage internal and external communications processes through infrastructure, repurposed smart home devices, and business specific IoT devices. This course will examine the past, present, and future of Internet of Things in workplaces through lectures, discussions, reactions, analysis, and hands-on activities. Prerequisites: STCM 11100; Sophomore standing. (IRR)  (* SEE NOTE ABOVE)
3.000 Credit hours 
This course counts in the CMD minor, and as one of the concentration requirements in the CMD Major.

Park School of Communications course about the "Internet of Things" now open to non-majors including 1st year students | 0 Comments |
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