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MLK Week Celebration! Every Step Toward the Goal of Justice!Contributed by Sean Eversley Bradwell on 01/08/19
January 21-27, 2019 In 2008, IC President Emerita Peggy Williams declared the first day of spring classes would be a "Day on, not Off." This declaration was in direct response to student organizing and in recognition that the first day of the spring semester routinely fell on the national holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King. Today, this legacy continues. In lieu of traditional classroom instruction, the "Day on, not Off" is a time of reflection and a call to action through programs and activities. This year's theme, "Every Step Toward the Goal of Justice" is taken from a larger quote in Dr. King's book, Stride Toward Freedom. In this book, Dr. King writes, Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Even a superficial look at history reveals that no social advance rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. Every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Without persistent effort, time itself becomes an ally of the insurgent and primitive forces of irrational emotionalism and social destruction. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action. We ask the campus community to join us during the first week of our spring semester to engage in discussions, workshops, keynote events, community service projects, and more. Monday, January 21 The People's Movement Multimedia learning, viewing, & reflection spaces 11am-3pm | Klingenstein & Clark Lounges Civil Rights Tour Presentation 1st Year MLK Scholars 4pm | Emerson Suites Keynote: John Sims, Artist "A Blazing Glory: Space, Time, & Justice" 5pm | Emerson Suites
Tuesday, January 22 Geometry of Justice: From MathArt to FlagArt John Sims 12pm-1pm | Klingenstein Lounge Was Dr. King an Ally? Dr. Sean Eversley Bradwell 12pm-1pm | Clarke Lounge ‘AfroDixieRemixes’: The Ithaca Responses John Sims 6pm | Textor 102
Wednesday, January 23 Social Media, Social Justice, and Media Literacy: Sports and Action Cyndy Scheibe, Professor, Psychology & Executive Director, Project Look Sharp 7pm | Emerson Suites
Thursday, January 24 Unpacking Our Own Privilege IDEAS Student Leaders 12pm-1pm | Klingenstein Lounge Stepping into Justice: Spirituality and Activism Interfaith Leader Panel 12pm-1pm | Clark Lounge Interfaith Community Dinner 5:30pm- 8:30pm | Muller Chapel
Friday, January 25 MLK Shabbat Service 6pm-7pm | Muller Chapel School of Music Annual MLK Concert 7:30pm | Ford Hall, Whalen Center
Saturday, January 26 MLK Day of Service 8am-4pm | Various Community Locations
Sunday, January 27 MLK Interfaith Service 5:30pm-6:30pm | Muller Chapel
Our goal is to not only celebrate the life, legacy, and messages of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. but also to remind us that “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable.” For more information, please contact any member of the IC MLK Celebration Committee: Don Austin | Elena Chang | Avril Crowe | Dr. Sean Eversley Bradwell | Dr. Ellie Fulmer | Lauren Goldberg | Doreen Hettich-Atkins | Omega Hollies | Hayley Kretchmer | Hierald Osorto | Courtney Owens | Kevin Perry | Serena Velazquez | Karen Walls Individuals with differing abilities requiring accommodations should contact the Center for IDEAS at 607-274-7777, email, or stop by IDEAS office in Campus Center, 3rd floor. We ask that requests be made as soon as possible. |
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