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There's still time to sign up for a New FLEFF mini-course Disrupting “H”istory:Asian American Non-Fiction FilmsContributed by Sue-Je Gage on 02/13/19
Meets: Wednesdays 3-4:50pm CNS 119 – March 20 until May 8, 2019 Taught by Drs. Sue-Je Gage and Sueyoung Park-Primiano Course Description: Asian American documentaries have long served a subversive role to contest commercial media representations of Asians. This class will disrupt dominant History and challenge representations of Asians and Asian Americans in popular media by examining documentaries made by Asian and Asian American filmmakers that serve as a communal history and a history of agency and consciousness. By learning the rhetorical device of the documentary mode, students in this mini-course will learn how to unthink Eurocentrism and question race and representation through a critical lens.
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