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MLK Documentary - screening and conversation with the producersContributed by Diane Gayeski on 02/15/19 SCREENING and Q&A Session: Thursday, February 21 at 7 pm at Cinemapolis featuring Q & A with filmmakers
The documentary, titled “With INFINITE HOPE: MLK and The Civil Rights Movement,” was directed by James Rada, associate professor in the Department of Journalism. The program was Co-Produced by Rada and Chrissy Guest, assistant professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies. Guest and Rada also edited the program. Maria Mejia Yepes, Assistant Professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies served as the Audio Engineer and Sound Mixer. Six Ithaca College students served as Associate Producers: 2018 graduates Christy Calcagno, Kalia Kornegay and Emily Varga; and current seniors Mary Katherine Jones, Sophia Tulp, and Elena Maria Piech. Community members with an interest in the history of the civil rights movement, oral history and documentary production, or in learning more about what it’s like to study communications at the collegiate level are should find this an interesting opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at the process and outcome of this project. The screening is sponsored by the Roy H. Park School of Communications with generous support from community partner, WENY and Cinemapolis.
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