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Hi, my name is Sue-Je Gage, Associate Professor at Ithaca College. I am recruiting faculty members without supervisory roles from across campus to participate in a study on how conflicts are addressed and resolved on campus. The goal of this study is to create a conflict resolution map for our campus to better help our campus community members understand where they can go to address conflicts. The study involves conducting focus group interviews of about 6-10 members for each of the three constituent groups: faculty, staff and students. Focus groups with staff and students will be held at different sessions. Please email me with your interest in attending this session. 


The purpose of the focus groups is to understand what kinds of conflicts you’ve experienced on campus and your experiences with addressing those conflicts.

I will ask your permission to take general notes during the interview. To minimize any risks, focus group participants will be given pseudonyms and asked to maintain the confidentiality of the group. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations, please contact or 607-274-3574. For more information or to sign up to be part of a focus group, please contact:

Sue-Je Gage

President’s Fellow

Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College

IRB 0918-02




CONFLICTS AT IC? A Focus Group Session with Faculty on Wednesday, March 20th from 12:00-1:00pm in the Cayuga Lake Room of Campus Center. Light Refreshments will be served. | 0 Comments |
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