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 We are looking for infants between 8 and 14 months of age who are currently crawling. The purpose of our research is to examine the link between crawling and cognitive development.  

 While participating in the study your infant will wear a comfortable and safe silicon device that can measure activity in the prefrontal area of the brain.  You will be asked to come in twice for the study, each time for about 30 minutes.  Parking is provided and you will receive a $20 gift card to Wegmans for each visit, a certificate, and a photo of your infant in the study.  The first time you come to the Cognition Laboratory in Williams Hall, your infant will be pushed in a stroller and then called to crawl to you.  On the second visit, your child will be placed in a car seat to watch a very brief video while wearing the device.  If you can help us with this research, please contact Nancy Rader, Ph.D., 


8-14 Month-Old Infants Needed for a Psychology Study | 0 Comments |
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