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Assistant Professor Enrique González-Conty and Professor Gladys M. Varona-Lacey presented conference papers at the XXIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos in Santiago de Chile (March 2019). Dr. González-Conty’s conference paper “Cine en vaivén: la construcción de la nación en Puerto Rico” examined the way that the documentary film Seva Vive (2008) revisited the Spanish-North American-Cuban War of 1898 to reconstruct a revolutionary national imaginary in Puerto Rico. Dr. Varona-Lacey’s presentation, “La función de la historia en tres novelas de Leonardo Padura: La novela de mi vida, El hombre que amaba a los perros y Herejes,” explored how Padura uses history (XIX Century Colonial Cuba, Trotsky’s assassination, and XVII Century Amsterdam) to communicate present-day Cuban issues dealing with exile, a betrayed revolution, and freedom of choice.

González-Conty and Varona-Lacey (DMLL) present at conference in Chile | 0 Comments |
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