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Conversations on Race & Anthropology - Tuesday, April 9th at 5:30pm in the A&E VIP RoomContributed by Sue-Je Gage on 04/08/19
The inaugural Spring 2019 event, inspired by Audre Lorde’s essay, “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House,” illuminates why using the same tools “never enable us to bring about genuine change.” The first event will bring together Dr. Aja Lans (Biological Anthropologist) and Dr. Sue-Je Gage (Cultural Anthropologist) from Ithaca College and Dr. Viranijni P Munasinghe (Cultural Anthropologist) and Mellon Mays Fellow Benjamin Salinas (Ethnomusicologist) from Cornell University. Ithaca College students from the Race & Anthropology Steering Committee will facilitate conversations with this panel of local scholars. Panelists will discuss their research, positionalities as scholars of color in anthropology, as well as their contributions to the positive shifts in anthropology. Participants will then deepen the discussion in small break-out sessions. This will be followed with concluding remarks, suggestions for next year’s event and end with a reception. This event is open to the public. We hope to see you at our inaugural event! Individuals requiring accommodations should contact Dr. Sue-Je Gage at or (607) 274-3574. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Sincerely, The 2018-19 Conversations on Race & Anthropology Steering Committee Walt Martzen, Class of 2019 Triniece Smith, Class of 2019 Calissa Brown, Class of 2019 Dr. Sue-Je Gage, Associate Professor Dr. Jennifer Muller, Chair of Anthropology |
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