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To end the academic year, the inaugural cohort of Bold scholars wants to invite the campus community to its end-of-the-year art showcase, titled Coloring Outside the Mind, it is organizing on behalf of the organization they created — Engaging Mental Health in People of Color (EMPOC) — for their campus transformation project! 

The showcase will be held THIS THURSDAY, May 2 in the Dillingham Lobby, starting at 5 p.m.

The Coloring Outside the Mind art showcase is meant to celebrate and facilitate the expression of mental health, specifically for POC members of our campus community. Upon entering the Dillingham Lobby, you’ll be able to navigate the displayed artwork, read about what it means to the POC artists and their mental health, and watch some incredible performances. You’ll also get a chance to snap some fierce Instagram pics and participate in making art too! 

All members of the campus community are welcome to come engage in the important topics that will be presented and discussed at the showcase. Also, FREE FOOD AND DESSERTS! 

Bold scholars throw end-of-the-year art showcase to celebrate mental health in people of color! | 0 Comments |
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