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It takes a whole village to raise, affirm, and educate a child. 

The Village at Ithaca is looking for engaged community members and college students to help Ithaca area students reach their academic goals during summer. This volunteer opportunity is a once or twice weekly commitment, totaling 2-4 hours per week for the 5 weeks during Summer 2019 (July 8-August 8).

How can you help?  Become an Achievement Coach (tutor) who engages students in their academic development by (1) encouraging them to see themselves as capable learners, (2) working with them to increase their understanding of key concepts in their courses, (3) supporting them to always give their best effort, (4) connecting with them to build trust and comfort, (5) helping them to identify their strengths so they can use them more productively, and (6) increasing positive peer support for academic success.  

Orientation dates are Sat June 15th, 10:30-12pm, Th June 20th, 6-7:30pm, Tues July 2nd, 1-2:30pm. Please confirm the date that you would like to come.

All of the orientation sessions will be held at Village at Ithaca’s office. You need to attend only one of them. 

To volunteer contact or by phone at (607) 256-0780. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Don Austin at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Summer Volunteer Opportunity with Village at Ithaca! | 0 Comments |
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