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 Flash Fiction & Non-fiction: Writing 29601, crn#: 10065 satisfies ICC: Creative Arts and Theme: Inquiry, Imagination , Innovation.



 This writing course explores the theory and practice of new genres that combine the characteristics and techniques of poetry and fiction, sometimes called "Sudden Fictions," "Flash Fiction," "Short-shorts," or "Concise Literary Non-Fiction. The course resembles a traditional creative writing workshop in terms of including analysis of the genre as well as regular writing practice and development of a final portfolio of original writing. 



The main goals of the class are threefold: 

1)Develop/improve creative writing skills.
2) Develop an understanding of, and mastery in, the “Flash” form.
3) Develop/strengthen strategies for drafting, organizing and revising. 

Take a Creative Arts (Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation) Writing Class online this summer! | 0 Comments |
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