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STUDY ABROAD FAIR: all the information you need, all in one place!Contributed by Rachel Gould on 09/03/19
The Fair will be Thursday, September 26, from 11:00 am-2:00 pm in the North Foyer & Emerson Suites, Campus Center. Featuring:
Many of our affiliated study abroad partners will also be holding information sessions on September 25 & 26, so you can get a detailed look at their program offerings. Find a schedule of affiliated program info sessions on the Study Abroad Event Calendar. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact International programs at or (607) 274-3306. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Get notified of upcoming study abroad events, information and announcements! Join the Study Abroad page on IC Engage, like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, or click here to schedule a one-on-one study abroad advising appointment. International Programs and Extended Studies | Job Hall, 2nd floor | 607-274-3306 | |
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