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Ithaca College Launches New Brand Identity Standards Website

Contributed by Erin Davis on 09/03/19 

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The Ithaca College brand is more than our logos, colors, and marketing campaigns. It’s something built over the history of our institution—by our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community—and it’s reflected in everything we do. 

All of us—no matter what job title we hold or department we work for—express what it means to be part of Ithaca College every day. It’s conveyed in our interactions, the stories we tell, and the experiences we share. It’s in the relationships we build and how we choose to build them. It’s in the way we care for and engage with each other. It’s what—and how—we communicate.  

Our brand is reflected in the words and imagery we use in our storytelling. When we’re doing it well, as communicators and brand ambassadors, we convey the IC brand and experience accurately, honestly, and authentically to our audiences.   

With this in mind, the Marketing and Enrollment Strategy team is excited to share a new resource for our campus community.   

Our IC brand identity standards website, located at, provides guidelines for voice and tone, color, photography, video, graphic elements, the IC logo, and official fonts as well as do-it-yourself resources like branded templates and best practices.   

The guidelines are designed to help you create strong, engaging materials to tell the Ithaca College story. Used consistently, they will help maintain visual and message continuity and protect our logos as we communicate across a wide range of media. Examples of materials that should follow brand identity standards are web content, social media channels, presentations, forms, brochures, and signage, among others.   

Our brand identity standards site is a work in progress. We’ll be updating it regularly with new examples, images, resources, and information. ­Your input and insight will help us make the guide better. Send your suggestions and questions to us at

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