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What can eighteenth-century sexual prosthetics teach us about the history of gender and feminism? In this talk, Professor Lubey will share examples from the pornographic archive of women, emphasizing a surprising discovery. She will discuss what this discovery might mean for the history of feminism and sexual inclusion.


Professor Lubey is an Ithaca College alumna who graduated in 1997 with a degree in English. Currently, she is an associate professor of English at St. John's University. Her research and teaching interests include the literature, philosophy and culture of eighteenth-century Britain, sexuality and gender studies, feminist theory, the history of pornography, and theories of the novel and literary form. Her book Excitable Imaginations: Eroticism and Reading in Britain: 1660-1760 (Bucknell 2012) examines the relationship between sexual representation and discourses on morality, aesthetics, and reading in a broad range of eighteenth-century texts. 

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"Eighteenth-Century Sex Toys and the Prehistory of Transgender": A lecture by Professor Kathleen Lubey, on Thursday, October 3rd at 5 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge. | 0 Comments |
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