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Dr. Joel Lefever gives a talk on the mechanics of disordered materialsContributed by Jill Ackerman on 12/03/19
Investigating the plastic deformation of disordered nanoparticle packings with Dr. Joel Lefever The mechanics of disordered materials, including glasses and granular materials, remain an open research question despite substantial research progress. One class of materials, disordered nanoparticle packings, is a convenient material system to investigate because they can be imaged and probed at a single constituent level using an atomic force microscope (AFM). Mechanical properties measured using AFM-based nanoindentation show that nanoparticle packings share many similarities with other disordered materials. In addition, their strength and ductility can be varied by adjusting environmental conditions, such as humidity. The information learned here has implications for how these materials might be toughened, thus improving their potential for commercial applications. Thursday, December 5 Pizza will be provided Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Department Assistant at . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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