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A huge thank you to the many volunteers who stayed after hours to help us keep the on-campus Food Pantry open all semester. 

Those who are interested in assisting in the food pantry during the Spring semester, can sign up here: . Students, faculty and staff are all welcome to help out. 

The on-campus Pantry is open whenever the College is open on Tuesdays from 6-7pm and on Fridays from 4-5:30 pm. 

Again – thank you to our amazing volunteers: 

Kathaleen Besemer, Hammond Health Center 

Terri Ann Coronel, Library 

Alyssa Cooper, Advancement Services 

Desoni Cooper, Student 

Kate Delaney, student 

Samantha Elebiary, BOLD program 

Chelsea Espinoza, student 

John Fracchia, Career Services 

Denise Fullerton, Residential Life 

Edward Gbekie, student 

Tanner George, student 

Rilya Greeslamirya, student 

Sara Haefeli, School of Music 

Marc Israel, Provost’s Office 

Eline Kroon, student 

Jack Kuczala, student 

Kimberly Lieb, Career Services 

Trina McGhee, student 

Khadija Musa, student 

Hierald Orsorto, Religious and Spiritual Life 

Jasmin Paulino, student 

Grey Peckham, student 

Jennifer Potter, Intercollegiate Athletics 

Holly Riccio, student 

Deborah Rifkin, School of Music 

Brandi Riker, Counseling and Psychological Services 

Wendy Rizzo, Student Financial Services 

Kameryn Rose, student 

Terry Ruger, Information Technology 

Kristina Shanton, Library 

Tara Tetzlaff, Advancement Services 

Tina Thurston, College Communications 

Beth Unruh-Arnold, Advancement Services 

Norelis Valdez, student 

Bob Wagner, College Communications 

Andy Watts, Park School of Communications 

Elliott Weil, student 

Lilly Westbrook, Theatre Arts 

Mark Yowan, Information Technology 


The Food Pantry Volunteers - THANK YOU! | 0 Comments |
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