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War on Drugs: Block II course

Contributed by Stewart Auyash on 02/14/20 


FLEFF: Infiltrating the War on Drugs - 43540 - GCOM 10116 - 01(1 credit)

Tues/Thurs 4-5:15. Hill Center G03.

Why is there a War on Drugs? It’s time to infiltrate enemy lines and the weapons, arguments, casualties, and causes of the US War on Drugs. What can we uncover about the assumptions and ideologies that have led so many drugs to be legal while others are not? Is the War on Drugs about making people criminals  or is drug use a normal part of being human?  Are there other countries that have a war on drugs? Or are there places where all drugs are decriminalized or legal? Bring your investigative eyes and minds as we spy across borders to answer these questions.

This course is part of FLEFF (Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival). Students will receive discounted tickets to see amazing films at the downtown theater, Cinemapolis for March 27-20.
For more information about the course, contact Prof. Stewart Auyash at

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