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Held on Census Day - April 1 from 10:00 -11:00 am ET

Registration link (please pre-register as space is limited):


The importance of counting college students where they spend the majority of their year cannot be underestimated, particularly in small college towns like Ithaca, NY. The Census impacts representation at the state and federal level, access to state and federal funding, as well as provision of social services. Having Ithaca College and Cornell students undercounted, particularly in this challenging year impacted by COVID-19 could have a devastating impact on Tompkins County.

This Census presentation will give you a well-rounded background about the 2020 Census and its process for counting every person in the United States.

This web presentation is Co-sponsored by the U.S. Census, Ithaca College, and Cornell Community Relations.  Students from Tompkins Cortland Community College are also invited to participate.

This web presentation will explain what the Census is, what’s new in how it is being conducted this year, and why it is important that students and others participate in it. Special emphasis will be on how to ensure you are counted appropriately - even if you are temporarily away from school due to COVID-19.

You’ll get a chance to ask questions about responding to the Census, and be introduced to information tools that the Census offers.

You can join the meeting by computer or phone with this REGISTRATION LINK:


(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)


*Here's some information about how to Complete the Census if you’re a student temporarily living away from school:

Off-campus students: Even if you are not in Ithaca on Census Day, April 1, you should be counted in Ithaca because the 2020 Census residence criteria states you should be counted where you live and sleep most of the time. Apartments should designate a roommate to complete the form on behalf of all residents of the apartment if possible. If not, please ensure that all residents complete the census individually. Off-campus students should go to and skip through the request for a code and complete the form using their Ithaca address.

College students living in on-campus housing are counted as part of our Group Quarters Operation, which counts all students living in university owned housing. On-campus students do not need to respond.

Students who spend most of the year away from their permanent address should NOT be counted by their parents on the form asking for information about their permanent address.

Fill out your Census if you’re an off-campus student here: Learn about how to respond:

Census Day Awareness for College and University Students - Presentation and Q&A | 0 Comments |
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