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Student Leadership Institute - RSVP for Workshops today!Contributed by Courtney Owens on 09/17/20
As a friendly reminder, SLI workshops are available for you to RSVP for on IC Engage. You must sign up 24 hours in advanced to successfully reserve your spot on a Zoom call or to review online materials that presenters will provide access to upon your RSVP. If you are no longer able to join a workshop, it is greatly appreciated to notify the Office of Student Engagement in a timely manner via email using our Leadership email address ( Those that participate in virtual SLI’s will be asked to participate in live discussions or respond to specific discussion questions asked by the presenter in order to ensure full participation and further to receive SLI credit. Please take a look at what Virtual SLI workshops interest you and sign up today! Visit IC Engage for more information. For questions, please contact the Office of Student Engagement – SLI Team at |
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