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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month - Take part by becoming trained in Bystander Intervention!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 04/21/20
Join members of the Sexual Violence Prevention Committee at Ithaca College and the Advocacy Center of Tompkins County for a one-hour online training on Bystander Intervention. Learn skills for overcoming barriers when it comes to intervening around sexual and relationship violence, and to tap into the power that you already hold to stand up and stay something!
Join us on Zoom for one of the following workshops: Wednesday, April 22nd at 8:15pm Wednesday, April 29th at 8:15pm
To see the events for the entire month of April, check out the Ithaca College SHARE website here.
The Ithaca College Title IX Office is still operating remotely during this time, and their contact information can be found here. Other resources and services are also available during COVID-19, and information can be found here.
Questions, concerns, or requests for accommodations should be emailed to Omar Stoute at
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