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Study abroad advising still available! Schedule a Zoom appointment today.Contributed by Rachel Gould on 04/14/20
STEP ONE: ACADEMIC ADVISING If you would like to schedule a remote study abroad advising meeting, we encourage you first to speak with an academic advisor to discuss how study abroad will fit into your academic plan. Your assigned faculty advisor, or an advising staff member in the Academic Advising Center, can help determine which semester is best for you to go abroad and which degree requirements you will need to fulfill while abroad. The Academic Advising Center has an Academic Advising Zoom appointment request form available, to allow you to schedule a 30-minute meeting with an academic adviser at a time convenient to you. STEP TWO: STUDY ABROAD ADVISING Once you have consulted with an academic advisor, go to Calendly and select a Study Abroad Advising appointment. For Spring 2020, once the appointment is scheduled, you will be contacted by the study abroad adviser and will be offered the option having the meeting via phone or Zoom. If you aren't able to find a time that works well for you, just send an email to with your availability for the upcoming week and you'll hear back from us with some possible meeting times. We look forward to working with you in planning your study abroad experience. Get notified of upcoming study abroad events, information and announcements! Join the Study Abroad page on IC Engage, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram. International Programs and Extended Studies | Job Hall, 2nd floor | 607-274-3306 | |
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