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Join for a screening tonight - Fundamental: "Defenders of Justice: Fighting Racism and Patriarchy in Brazil". Facilitated by Sam Elebiary (BOLD), Patricia Rodriguez (Politics Department), and Lara Hamburger (Tompkins County Advocacy Center)Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 06/02/20
Wednesday, June 3rd, at 4pm-5pm EST: Episode 2: Defenders of Justice (Brazil) - Facilitated by Patricia Rodriguez (Politics Department), Lara Hamburger (Tompkins County Advocacy Center), and Sam Elebiary (BOLD Women's Leadership Network). Tonight we will screen the 17-minute episode and then reflect on what we watched. There will be a guided discussion for all attendees to participate in. This event will be the second of a 6-part series. To see the entire series of events, please refer to this Intercom post. Brazilian law permits abortion only in cases of rape and danger to the woman’s life. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are severely limited, and there are deep racial prejudices against Black Brazilians. Civil society is also under threat, and activists in Brazil remain on high alert after the murder of prominent Black Brazilian activist Marielle Franco in March 2018. In “Defenders of Justice,” we meet Lucia Xavier, who is part of a movement of powerful women activists who are reframing reproductive rights as an issue of women’s rights and racial justice, as she and others work to address security threats against activists fighting for reproductive rights. We also meet Daniele Duarte, an Afro-Brazilian lesbian activist who participates in protests and marches against the rise of the extremist president Jair Bolsonaro. Lucia, Daniele, and others are part of a vibrant and intersectional feminist movement in Brazil, mobilizing what some are calling a “Feminist Spring” in Brazil as the Supreme Court considers decriminalizing abortion. To receive the zoom link and pre/post-event materials, please register on Cognito or Engage. These events count as "Leading in a Diverse World" SLI credit - students who register in Engage and attend all 6 events can earn a certificate. Please direct any questions or request for accommodations to Sam Elebiary at |
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