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 Professor and Director of Athletic Training Education, Paul R. Geisler, EdD, ATC presented an international webinar on programmatic assessment in athletic training and athletic therapy education to over 200 attendees on Wednesday, May 26th.

Co-sponsored by the World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy and the National Athletic Trainers' Association's Athletic Training EducATionalist Community, Dr. Geisler prepared and conducted an international webinar, entitled "Programmatic Assessment in a Remote World: Using Technology and Evidence to Assess Student Learning and Program Effectiveness in Athletic Training and Therapy". 

The program provided a brief overview of approaches to programmatic assessment, and the "assessment AS learning" approach in athletic training education contexts, and demonstrated the use of Microsoft Forms and Qualtrics for the development of valid and meaningful modules that can be used as progress tests and/or summative outcomes measures. Given the adaptations required from the COVID-19 situation, valid, online assessment modules are even more relevant and needed for programmatic assessment, and accreditation compliance.

Over 200 attendees from the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, the US and the Republic of Ireland were in attendance for the event.

Athletic Training Professor Presents International Webinar | 0 Comments |
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