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Today we are facing a global pandemic while trying to proceed through one of the most critical Census counts in history. Redistricting processes and other tactics may keep immigrant communities, undocumented folks, communities of color, LGBTQ folks and everyone at the intersections from being counted.

In the midst of the coronavirus health crisis, the federal administration has directed the U.S. Census Bureau to subtract non-citizens from the final count, and to end data collection on September 30th - one month earlier than scheduled. 

The National LGBTQ Task Force will host a Facebook Live Wednesday August 19 at 8:30 pm EST. Policy Director Meghan Maury will give a briefing on the current status of the Census, effects of these changes, and what we all can do to help and make sure everyone is counted. Questions will be answered during the live stream. Please visit their Facebook page during that time to join. 

Queer the Census - learn more about what you can do to make sure everyone is counted! | 0 Comments |
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