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STUDY ABROAD advising available - start planning now for 2021-22!Contributed by Rachel Gould on 09/25/20
STUDY ABROAD ADVISING NOTE: If you are scheduling a study abroad advising meeting but have not yet discussed study abroad with an academic adviser, we encourage you to speak with an academic advisor BEFORE your study abroad appointment. To give you the best study abroad advice, we will need to know when study abroad works best in your academic program, and which courses you will need to take during your time abroad. Your individual faculty adviser can assist, or you can schedule a 30-minute Zoom meeting with an academic adviser in the Academic Advising Center. STUDY ABROAD INFO SESSIONS Get notified of upcoming study abroad events, information and announcements! Join the Study Abroad page on IC Engage, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram. International Programs and Extended Studies | 607-274-3306 | |
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