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Swipe Out Hunger is LIVE- Give & Receive Meal Swipes Today!Contributed by Lauren Goldberg on 01/18/21
Sharing your extra swipes takes less than 30 seconds! This semester, with no guests on campus, this is the perfect use for those guest passes that come included with all 20/week meal plans. Students who would like to secure meal swipes can simply contact Student Financial Services at to receive packages of 15 meal swipes put onto your card. Students can use this resource at any dining location, and "reload" more than once- as needed! You do NOT need to be on a meal plan to receive meal swipes. We believe that healthy, accessible food is a basic human right, and that ensuring that everyone in our IC family are afforded that right is at the foundation of who we are as a campus community. Across the country, 1 in 5 students regularly skip meals, having to prioritize other costs associated with college. This time, more than ever, we NEED you to share your swipes! For more information about the program on our campus check out our FAQs. For more about Swipe Out Hunger as a national organization read here. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Julia Ganbarg at . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
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