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Wanted! Share your experience as an Explorer!

Contributed by Maria DiFrancesco on 04/12/21 

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The Exploratory Program seeks students—current explorers and past explorers—willing to be share about their academic and co-curricular experiences in the IC Exploratory Program.

If you are a current or past explorer with interest in participating either in front of or behind the camera, contact Elizabeth McCann ( directly with a copy to by April 19th. In your email, please provide your name, date you will be graduating, major/minor (or intended majors/minors), and briefly describe your area or areas of talent.

Expertise in and enthusiasm for acting, video production, editing, and marketing will be hugely appreciated. Volunteers who give five or more hours of their time will receive small tokens of thanks for their participation in projects. 

Wanted! Share your experience as an Explorer! | 0 Comments |
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