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Call for May 8th Volunteers

Contributed by Eileen Harrington on 05/01/21 

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Ithaca College is looking for volunteers on May 8th to have a presence in the community and provide support to students on a day that in the past has typically involved mass gatherings, most commonly known as Kendall Day. Volunteers will be stationed at different locations around Pennsylvania Ave. and Kendall Ave. The main goal of volunteers is to redirect people going to Kendall and Pennsylvania, offering alternative options and providing support. As a community we have worked very hard to keep COVID-19 cases low. Those that volunteer will be helping to keep our community safe.

Volunteers will be in pairs; you are welcome to request to be with another person. Volunteers will be provided with vests, masks and training on how to manage different situations. They will also be provided with backup support if it is needed. Each shift will be a total of two hours.

Volunteers' Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Attend a training one week before May 8th. Training led by Katie Newcomb, Assistant Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
  • Verbally engage with any IC students who appear to be heading toward Kendall Day. Volunteers will share with the student(s) that the event is not happening. 

Those that are interested can fill out this form by May 5th at 5PM. If you have questions or concerns you can contact Thank you for all you are doing to keep our IC community safe! 

Call for May 8th Volunteers | 0 Comments |
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