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Read more . . . (106 words) Using TaskStream Presentation (Showcase) Creatively in the ClassroomContributed by Wade Pickren on 04/20/15
Read more . . . (144 words) David Graham - photographer speaks in Park Auditorium.Contributed by Barbara Terrell on 04/20/15 David Graham is a photographer living in three worlds. He photographs `with an eye open and an appreciation of the unlikely and uncanny.' "He sees funny". Read more . . . (163 words) The Ivies - ICTV’s Newest Sitcom - ICTV PremiereContributed by Christopher Wheatley on 04/20/15 ICTV’s newest scripted dramatic comedy “The Ivies” is airing on ICTV Thursday April 24th starting at 8PM. Read more . . . (155 words) IC Tap Club Spring Showcase: "A Night of Rhythm"Contributed by Cassandra Stolting on 04/20/15
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Performances of “You Can’t Take It With You,” by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart will take place in the Hoerner Theatre in Dillingham Center on April 23, 24 and 25 at 8 p.m., with a 2 p.m. matinee offered on April 25. Read more . . . (59 words) Award-winning paleo-artist John Gurche to present "The New Old Guy: A New Species of Ancient Homo" on Monday, April 27th. 7-8 pm in Textor 101.Contributed by Lisa Corewyn on 04/20/15
Read more . . . (90 words) Katie Hoover '15, Keely Kirby '15, Ellie Fitts Fulmer, and Sherry Deckman, both Education, present in ChicagoContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 04/20/15
Sigma Tau Delta Annual Lecture: Christopher Matusiak (English) on ShakespeareContributed by Dan Breen on 04/20/15 The IC chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society, will sponsor its annual faculty lecture on Tuesday, April 21, at 5:30pm in Business 104. Christopher Matusiak, Assistant Professor of English, will present a public lecture entitled "Was Shakespeare 'not a company keeper'? A Seventeenth-Century Biographical Puzzle." Read more . . . (226 words) * short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, creativity, and character * active hands-on learning; no lectures * lots of fun * the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors * this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges * courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail * taking any three of the four mini-courses will count as an ICC elective in the World of Systems or the Inquiry, Imagination and Innovation theme with a Humanities or Social Sciences perspective Read more . . . (167 words) Salsa Dance Class! Ballroom/Swing! FALL 2015 How to Pre-registerContributed by Kurt Lichtmann on 04/19/15
Read more . . . (458 words) Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival opening night - 4/20 - in downtown IthacaContributed by Phuong Nguyen on 04/19/15
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Read more . . . (47 words) The Department of English is offering several ICC courses in the fall 0f 2015. These include ICC Themes courses (all within the HU perspective), Diversity Courses, and Writing Intensive courses. Follow the department on Twitter (@ICEnglishDept) for real-time updates on seat availability, and see the department's webpage for full course descriptions. Read more . . . (231 words) The Diversity Consortium of Tompkins County Offers The Diversity Roundtable Conference: Early Bird Pricing Now Available!Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 04/19/15
Read more . . . (147 words) REMINDER: Organizational IC Rotaract meeting on Saturday, 4/25, at 3PM--Let’s get ready for Fall 2015!Contributed by Christine Haase on 04/19/15 Read more . . . (48 words) REMINDER: Organizational IC Rotaract meeting on Saturday, 4/25, at 3PM--Let’s get ready for Fall 2015!Contributed by Christine Haase on 04/19/15
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Faculty Council is soliciting nominations, including self-nominations for the important position of At-Large Representative for the Committee for College-Wide Requirements (CCR). The position is a two-year one. Please submit a short statement of intent by Friday, April 24 at 5 PM, to For further information: and Faculty Council Seeks Nominees for IEBC Starting Next YearContributed by Peter Rothbart on 04/19/15
Faculty Council is seeking nominees willing to serve on the Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee (IEBC) for a three year beginning in the Fall 2015 semester. Two candidates will be selected. Given the current economic climate, it is crucial that faculty have input into the upcoming budgetary considerations. We are especially interested in candidates with financial and/or economic expertise, but welcome all nominations. Meetings are on Tuesday afternoons. Nominations, including self-nominations will be accepted until Friday, May 1 at 5 PM. Please send your nomination and a brief description of interest or qualifications to Peter Rothbart, For further information, go to and scroll down a bit. |
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