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Interested In Being A Campus Organizer? NJPIRG Is Hiring! Info Session: 3/3, Interviews 3/4Contributed by John Fracchia on 02/27/15
Read more . . . (160 words) We have recently added two Yoga II PALS courses for Spring 15 Block II. If you are interested in taking these courses, please look on HOMER for more information. Submitted on behalf of Linda Petrosino, Interim Provost/Vice President for Educational Affairs The Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs would like to invite all members of the campus community to an art exhibition by our very own Ithaca College students. Please join us on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center. A reception will be included as we hope to create a relaxed and informal environment to view the artwork. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Provost/VPEA office at (607) 274-7918 as much in advance of the event as possible.
Orlando-Marquez C. Kittrell, Director of the C-STEM Program at Ithaca College, invited to attend meeting at the White House.Contributed by Sally Neal on 02/27/15 Dr. Orlando-Marquez C. Kittrell, director of the Ithaca College program, Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (C-STEM) is headed to the White House on March 6, 2015. As Ithaca College’s representative on the STEM Coalition's Leadership Council, Dr. Kittrell will join STEM Leadership Council colleagues to meet with the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Domestic Policy Council to provide feedback on the 2016 Fiscal Year Budget for STEM initiatives, and working with the White House on future STEM initiatives. The STEM Education Coalition, located in Washington, D.C., works aggressively to raise awareness in Congress, the Administration, and other organizations about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace of the 21st century. Read more . . . (36 words) From College Through Mid Career: Lessons Learned by Kimberly Zeoli '89Contributed by Paul Deamer on 02/27/15
Read more . . . (146 words) Donathan Brown Accepts Visiting Professorship in SloveniaContributed by Terrie Miller on 02/27/15
Donathan Brown, assistant professor in Communication Studies and former H&S Diversity Fellow, has accepted a visiting professorship during the summer at the University of Maribor in Slovenia. Funded by the Ministry of Education, the University of Maribor, and the European Commission, the appointment will be in cooperation with two departments: English and American Studies.
Dr. Brown will give public talks and guest lectures in his role as visiting professor. These talks will focus on the role that race plays within American public policy, particularly as pertains to African Americans and Latinos. He will also engage with the University’s Faculty of the Arts and give a presentation focused specifically on material covered in his 2014 book, When Race and Policy Collide.
Read more . . . (130 words) How Your Input Could Create A Brand New Work/Life Library…Contributed by Katie Sack on 02/27/15
Read more . . . (87 words) Women's and Gender Studies Lecture by Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Feminism Matters: Cultivating a Passion for Gender Justice. March 3, 6-8 pm. Business 111.Contributed by Carla Golden on 02/27/15
Save money and make friends by sharing a ride with Zimride! It’s free to post. After all, you share the same destination; why not share the same ride too?
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Read more . . . (93 words) Applications are currently being accepted for the 2015-16 OSEMA Service and Involvement Scholarships!Contributed by Samantha Stafford on 02/26/15
The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is happy to announce a number of scholarship opportunities available to YOU for the 2015-2016 academic year. Read more . . . (88 words) 1 week left to become an OSEMA Recognized Student OrganizationContributed by Theresa Johnson on 02/26/15 A complete list of recognized student organization can be foundhere. If your student organization is not on the list you will need to complete the steps below by March 6 to become an OSEMA Recognized Student Organization. 1. Complete Student Organization Recognition form on OrgSync Read more . . . (108 words) Are you one of the students chosen to participate in the IC Student Health Survey? Complete it and win a chance at a $15 ID Express Card! There will be 25 winners!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 02/26/15
Please help us (and your fellow students) - by participating in the IC Student Health Survey. And win a $15 ID Express Card! The IC Student Health Survey is confidential, and contains all multiple-choice questions regarding students' health habits and concerns. The data we collect will be used to help us improve health and wellness programs and services for students.
Read more . . . (75 words) Check out the article, "Up in Smoke: Marijuana laws and why they matter" in this month's issue of Student Health 101Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 02/26/15
In "Up in Smoke", in SH101:
Here's the link:
Read more . . . (50 words) “I had NO IDEA”: Eating disorders resources at Ithaca CollegeContributed by Nancy Reynolds on 02/26/15
When someone has an eating disorder, it is vital to seek help. Because of the complex nature of the illness, a comprehensive treatment team which includes medical, nutritional, and psychological therapies is recommended. The earlier treatment begins, the better chance there is for a full recovery. Read more . . . (179 words) "Getting Started with OneNote" online workshop (Friday, February 27 @ 4:00 PM)Contributed by Tony Tabone on 02/26/15
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