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Want to amp up your resume with powerful award-winning video production experience? Park Productions...Contributed by Zachary Briggs on 08/22/14
Then attend the PARK PRODUCTIONS RECRUITMENT SESSION on Friday, September 5th at 5:00pm in the Park Aud. Read more . . . (210 words) Do you think every child deserves to be healthy? - Food for Thought...Contributed by Zachary Briggs on 08/22/14
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Read more . . . (90 words) Call for Workshop Proposals - Summer College for High School StudentsContributed by Jennifer Wofford on 08/21/14 Ithaca College's Summer College for High School Students is looking for workshop proposals. Read more . . . (50 words)
Read more . . . (297 words) The Caring and Sharing Back-to-School Program needs your help!Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 08/21/14
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To contact the Office of International Programs, call us at 274-3306 or email
Important Reminder for Faculty: Ithaca College Institutional Biosafety Protocols Must be received by September 8Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 08/21/14 Contributed on behalf of Wade Pickren, PhD, Director, Sponsored Research All faculty planning to conduct research or classroom activity involving recombinant DNA or any potentially bio-hazardous material, including pathogens, biological toxins, or human cells, tissues, organs or fluids must obtain prior approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee before undertaking that activity. This committee provides federally-mandated oversight of activities that present risk of infection or illness in humans. Federal guidelines require that applicants possess prior experience with a particular agent or procedure, and those supervising the activity should be familiar with proper safety precautions, procedures involving storage, and disposal. A link to federal guidelines can be found on the Institutional Biosafety website – Read more . . . (53 words) Submitted on behalf of Interim Provost Linda Petrosino As we look forward to the beginning of a new academic year, I would like to remind all faculty members of the following opening year events:
Read more . . . (126 words) A Lot (near Rowland Hall), Lower J Lot (behind the Towers), M Lot (South End of A&E Center) and D Lot (between Clarke and Bogart Halls) will be closed beginning Saturday, August 23rd at 7pm through Sunday, August 24th.
Read more . . . (114 words) The Catholic Community would like to invite everyone to come and celebrate Mass with us Sunday August 24 at 8PM. All are welcome! Read more . . . (12 words) Stephen Sweet, Associate Professor of Sociology, Receives National Teaching AwardContributed by James Rothenberg on 08/20/14 Stephen Sweet, Associate Professor of Sociology, received the Hans O. Mauksch Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Sociology. The award is given annually to one scholar within the American Sociological Association's Section on Teaching and Learning to recognize an enduring and substantial influence on undergraduate education in the field of sociology. The award was presented on August 18 at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco.
The Hammond Health Center will be closed from 12 noon until 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 21st, 2014, so that our staff can attend our department retreat. No services will be available during this time. Nursing staff will be available at the Health Center from 4 - 6 p.m., following the conclusion of our department meeting. As always, if you have a medical emergency, call 911.
Important Reminder for Faculty: Ithaca College Institutional Animal Care and Use Protocols Must be received by September 5Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 08/20/14 Contributed on behalf of Wade Pickren, PhD, Director, Sponsored Research All faculty planning to conduct research or classroom activity involving live vertebrate animals for research and/or teaching must obtain prior approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before undertaking that activity. This committee provides federally-mandated oversight of all activities that have a direct impact on the well-being of animals. Ithaca College’s animal use program is managed in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. A link to federal guidelines can be found on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee website – Read more . . . (59 words) The following is contributed on behalf of Wade Pickren, PhD, Director of Sponsored Research: The All-College Review Board for Human Subjects Research (HSR) is responsible for reviewing all college research and teaching activities (i.e. surveys) conducted by faculty, staff, and students that involve the use of human subjects. If you are uncertain whether your project requires review, or if you plan to submit an HSR proposal in the coming semester, please visit the All-College Review Board on Human Subjects Research website under “H” in the directory. You will find application forms, examples and instructions, proposal submission deadlines, committee meeting dates and a listing of members. Read more . . . (66 words) Syllabus Insert for Faculty Regarding the Americans with Disabilities ActContributed by Leslie Reid on 08/20/14 In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi: Read more . . . (94 words) Fjords, Volcanoes, Glaciers, Geysirs—and Medieval Literature: Michael Twomey and Steven Hartman Teach Environmental Humanities in IcelandContributed by Michael Twomey on 08/20/14
Read more . . . (256 words) The College's grade submission policy allows the provost to change the date that final semester grades are due in any given semester in order to accommodate various calendar issues that might arise. Based on significant input from faculty, the school deans' offices, and the Office of the Registrar, the Provost's Office has decided to change the date that final semester grades are due in the fall 2014 semester. For the fall of 2014 only, final semester grades will be due on Tuesday, December 30 at noon. This will serve as an opportunity to gather data on the implications of such a move that can then inform a discussion in spring 2015 about whether or not an ongoing policy change for the final semester grade submission deadline is in order. Thank you. Brian D. Scholten Faculty members play an important role in the lives of students that extends beyond the teaching of course material. The staff of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) recognizes faculty’s potential to influence student’s attitudes about mental health care. We know the stigma about accessing mental health services cause some students to suffer needlessly. Therefore, we invite you to partner with us to identify students at risk, reach out to them, or to report your concerns via the Students at Risk Initiative.
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