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Political Student Organization Summit - IC Greens to HostContributed by Joshua Kelly on 03/27/14 On March 30th, 2014, the IC Greens will host a Political Student Organization Summit. This is the 1st monthly political/social organization summit at Ithaca College where different events and ideas can be discussed, and all these organizations can come together to work collectively to further causes and promote shared values. This will also allow organizations to share information about their upcoming events, so better scheduling and planning can occur. This event will be held at 3pm in the Taughannock Falls Room on the top floor of the Campus Center. Read more . . . (116 words) Turn off your lights for an hour in honor of sustainability and come join the IC Greens for refreshments and good face-to-face social interactions around a bonfire! 8pm on the Campus Center Quad (between the campus center and the fitness center)! From 8pm-10pm! Bring your friends, too! Read more . . . (73 words) Apply to be an AES Peer Tutor for Next Year by April 7th!Contributed by Heather Crider on 03/27/14 Posted on behalf of Yolanda Clarke, AES Manager: Academic Enrichment Services invites you to apply for peer tutoring positions for academic year 2014/2015. Read more . . . (93 words) Seniors: Check out the Countdown to Graduation Photos!Contributed by Kristin LiBritz on 03/27/14 Attend the Student Entrepreneurship in CNY event with Chobani Founder and CEOContributed by Paul Deamer on 03/27/14 The Upstate Venture Capital Association of New York (UVANY) and nine colleges based in the Central New York State region will be competing in the upcoming event: "Tomorrow's Leaders: Student eShip in CNY" to be held on Tuesday, April 8th in Emerson Suites. Read more . . . (235 words) Apply Now for the 2014 Service Organization of the Year Award!Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 03/27/14 The Outstanding Service Organization of the Year Award is presented to one registered student organization that demonstrates exemplary community service beyond the Ithaca College campus. All organizations will be evaluated based on the quality of services provided during academic year in which the award is presented. For the purposes of this award year, projects and activities that occur between August 31, 2013, and April 20, 2014 will be accepted. In addition, candidates are evaluated based on the impact of these services within the intended population or geographic area.
Students interested in apply for the award must complete the application before Friday, April 4, at 5:00pm in order to be considered for selection. The awardee will be honored at OSEMA’s Recognition Ceremony on Monday, April 28, in Emerson Suites. APPLY HERE. Past awardees include IC Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Club (2012) and Project Generations (2013). For more information on this award, please contact Don Austin at
Come learn about bike mechanics right on-campus with Bomber Bikes! Read more . . . (91 words) The Work/Life Mission Series would like to present our Eating On Campus Tour One! At this Eating on Campus Tour, we will start at Terrace Dining Hall to learn about its various offerings including Kosher Kitchen, Simple Servings’ allergen-free meals, Charleston Market’s home-style options, and the Food Lab’s educational demonstrations. We will also visit the CHS Coffee Cart and Café @ the Business School to explore their various coffee, soup, salad, sandwich, pastry, and snack options. Join us to learn about all of the delicious and healthy food options right here on campus! EATING ON CAMPUS TOUR ONE Read more . . . (262 words) Public Viewing and Discussion of RACE: the Power of an Illusion. Location Change: Friends 304Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 03/27/14 On April 3rd, 10th and 17th, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, in Friends 304, Ithaca College will be joining an community initiative across Ithaca and Tompkins County that is over 1,000 members strong, to view the eye-opening and powerful three-part series (one hour episodes, one episode each night) PBS documentary, Race: The Power of An Illusion. Each episode will be followed by a discussion about the film and its relevance today, that will be facilitated by a representative of the Multicultural Resources Center of Ithaca, in affiliation with Cornell’s Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. Read more . . . (319 words) Reminder to Move Cars Parked on City Streets Scheduled for CleaningContributed by David Maley on 03/27/14 The City of Ithaca plans to begin street cleaning operations on Monday, March 31, with streets on South Hill among the first on the schedule. The affected streets will be posted with “No Parking” signs 24 hours in advance of the cleaning. All vehicles parked on the street after 7:00 a.m. on the day of the scheduled cleaning will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. The standard towing rate in the City of Ithaca is $100 plus sales tax, and storage fees are $25 per day. Read more . . . (161 words) TLC Computer Training Schedule: March 31 - April 4, 2014Contributed by Tony Tabone on 03/27/14 ITS offers computing workshops every week on a variety of topics in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) at no charge to all faculty, staff, and students. The TLC will be offering training on Taskstream, Excel, Outlook, Photoshop, Windows Best Practices, and Mac Best Practices from Monday, March 31 through Friday, April 4. Read more . . . (248 words) Scholarships Available for Best Leadership Program in the USContributed by Anna Isachenko on 03/27/14 LEAP is a non-profit education foundation that annually organizes a youth leadership program held at UCLA. Each year, hundreds of students travel from across the globe to attend LEAP’s week-long program dedicated to helping young adults uncover the “real-life” skills needed to achieve great success. Read more . . . (250 words) Stephen Tropiano serves on Television Panel at SCMSContributed by Melissa Gattine on 03/27/14 Stephen Tropiano, associate professor of screen studies and director of the Ithaca College Los Angeles Program, served on a panel entitled "Archive Archaeology: Disrupting the TV Canon" at the 2014 Society for Cinema & Media Studies in Seattle. The panel focused on alternative and non-traditional archives and archiving practices for television historians and scholars. Introduction to Film Aesthetics and Analysis Named an Outstanding, Innovative Undergraduate CourseContributed by Melissa Gattine on 03/27/14 Introduction to Film Aesthetics and Analysis, one of the longest continuously running courses in the Roy H. Park School of Communications (since 1968), has been named an outstanding, innovative undergraduate introductory media studies course as part of a Mellon Foundation funded benchmarking project housed at Hobart and William Smith College. The tutors program for this course, instituted three years ago and headed by Associate Dean Bryan Roberts, was also identified as an exemplary and highly effective support system for an introductory media course with a humanities and academic skill building orientation. The report noted the tutor program for an introductory liberal arts course like this in a communications school is unique and represents the leading edge in the field of communications. Read more . . . (312 words) What does it mean to be a person of faith here at Ithaca College? Read more . . . (115 words) Center for Faculty Excellence Upcoming Events - Register NowContributed by Wade Pickren on 03/27/14 The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the following upcoming events. Please register now. Read more . . . (1031 words) Last chance to show how great your student organization is!Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 03/27/14 The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs would like to recognize student leaders who have made an impact on campus. This year we are recognizing student organizations for their work and dedication to the campus. We are asking students, staff and faculty to submit nominations for Outstanding Adviser of the Year, Outstanding Executive Board Member of the Year and Best Program of the Year. To nominate, please submit the Student Organization Nomination Form and the Program of the Year Application found on IC Link and the OSEMA website by March 28, 2014. For more information or questions, please contact Theresa Radley at The Marketing Department in the School of Business and the Ithaca College chapter of the America Marketing Association are pleased to recognize this year's inductees into the Alpha Mu Alpha international honorary marketing fraternity. Read more . . . (227 words) Nine Aging Studies Students and Community Member Inducted into Honor SocietyContributed by Paula Davis on 03/27/14 Congratulations to nine Ithaca College aging studies students and a community member who were inducted on March 21 into the Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Phi Omega (SPO), the national academic honor and professional society in gerontology. SPO was established in 1980 to recognize excellence of those who study gerontology and aging and the outstanding service of professionals who work with or on behalf of older persons.
Read more . . . (72 words) "Gleaning the Unsaid off the Palpable': Seamus Heaney and the Silent Father," a talk by Professor Kevin Murphy, Tuesday April 1, 5:30-6:30, Business 103Contributed by Christopher Matusiak on 03/27/14 Professor Kevin Murphy of the Department of English will be speaking to members of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society, about his recent work on the depiction of fatherhood in a selection of Heaney’s poems, ranging from "Digging" in Death of a Naturalist (1966) to "A Kite for Aibhin" in the poet's final collection, Human Chain (2010). The talk is free and open to the public. "Gleaning the Unsaid off the Palpable': Seamus Heaney and the Silent Father" Tuesday, April 1 5:30-6:30 Business 103 View the Events Calendar.
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