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A Semester in Washington awaits you. Explore the opportunities available to you through IC in DC with the Cornell in Washington Program. Live, Learn, and Intern in the National’s Capital.

For more information, please attend a presentation on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in BUS 301.

Please note: this meeting date has changed from previous postings.

Please contact Tanya Saunders in CHS 214 if you cannot attend the above meeting and would like more information about the Washington, DC program.

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  • Want to find full-time, summer or internship opportunities?
  • Excited to expand your professional network?
  • Interested in learning about possible career paths?

Then take control of your future at the spring Job & Volunteer Fair, on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm in the Emerson Suites!

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During early February, Meyer conducted the Colorado All-State Orchestra, performing Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade and a world premiere commissioned and written for the All-State event by the young emerging composer David Hertzberg, who is presently a student at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. It was the first time in the organization’s 50-year history that a new work was commissioned specifically for an All-State event.  The idea was spearheaded by Meyer, who remains a tireless and enthusiastic advocate for new music.

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Most of the campus community were unaware when President Rochon issued a statement condemning the American Studies Association's (ASA) decision to join in an international academic boycott of Israel; the president's statement was published in Intercom during winter break, when students and faculty attention was elsewhere.

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 Participate in a national day of kindness with IC Pay it Forward on March 1st. Strive to be kind during this Annual Melee of Kindness (AMOK): an event created by the Random Acts charity. 

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Making connections is critical for anyone who wants to find professional opportunities; however, it can seem like a daunting process. This workshop will examine the different ways that people network and discuss strategies for doing it successfully.

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Please join Ithaca College's Latin American Studies Program for two events with our guest Dr. Andreas Hernandez of Marymount Manhattan College.  Both events on Thursday, February 27th are open to the public.

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The Office of Facilities Purchasing Department reminds staff and faculty that we offer limited office furnishings for on-campus reuse only.  An inventory with pictures is available for viewing at the Purchasing website:

Directions for access to the inventory is listed under "Surplus Furniture Inventory" on the Purchasing website.  NOTE:  The furniture inventory may only be viewed in Internet Explorer browser.

If you have any questions, please call Andrea Clark at 274-1601.



The Fred Kastenbaum PreHealth Award is to be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs such as: MCAT, DAT,  OAT, GRE

  • A $500 award will be granted this semester.
  • Get full details here.

This award is available through the Premedical Sciences Advisory Committee.

The Ithaca College Exploratory Program has recently joined the world of social media by creating a Facebook page and a Twitter account!

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Thursday, February 27, 2014
2:30 - 3:30 p.m., Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Presented by Arturo Sinclair, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies

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Biology Seminar: February 27

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 02/24/14 

Joseph Thompson
Franklin & Marshall College

The consequences of shape: Non-uniform muscle dynamics in hollow, cylindrical muscular organs

4:00 p.m.
CNS 112

Part of the Department's Seminar Series.

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Submitted on behalf of Nancy Pringle, Vice President for Human and Legal Resources.

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 Newest Research Findings Hit the Media:

Learn and read more about Andy's work here.

The Sustainability Café on Monday, February 24th will feature Dr. Leeann Kanda presenting “Road Impacts on Local Wildlife.” The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM, in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. The Spring 2014 Sustainability Café/Environmental Seminar series is focused on the concept of Campus Sustainability: Hiding in Plain Sight. 

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The first annual Israel Film Festival being held the weekend of March 1–2 at Ithaca College will feature two dramas and a documentary. Panel discussions focusing on an aspect of the film will follow each screening. All of the events are free and open to the public.

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Hillel is now accepting haircut and styling appointments for the annual Shoshana Rudnick Inch-a-Thon!

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Ithaca College will host a talk by William A. Jacobson, a clinical professor of law and director of the Securities Law Clinic at the Cornell University Law School, on “The Case for Israel and Academic Freedom.” His presentation, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 8 p.m. in Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall.

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Come out to the first Team Captains' meeting for Relay for Life on Wednesday, February 26 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge. There's a lot of information to learn before Relay, so come prepared to take notes! Pizza + drinks will be served.

Relay for Life is on Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Athletics and Events Center.

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Two years since his last battle in London, Thor returns to Earth to stop the world from falling into darkness. Reuniting with Jane Foster, Thor is faced with the challenge of protecting both her and the Earth from the threat of the Dark Elves.

From Thursday February 27 to Sunday March 2, the Student Activities Board presents this FREE action-packed sci-fi adventure! All showings begin at 8:00 pm sharp in Textor 102. Bring your friends and don’t miss out on a thrilling superhero film for FREE!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Julia Ryan at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.