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SGA elections are coming up, so it's time for you to live out your life long dream of serving as a member of the Student Government Association!

There will be an informational session held on Monday, March 25th at 7:15 PM in the Taughannock Falls meeting room located on the third floor of Campus Center! Come to learn all about what SGA does, how you can become a part of SGA, and meet people who are currently serving on SGA!

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The School of Humanities and Sciences is hosting an ice cream social on Tuesday, March 26th from 5 PM to 6:30 PM in Klingenstein Lounge (second floor of Campus Center)! 

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The Fund for the Public Interest, a national non-profit organization that works to build support for progressive organizations across the country, will be visiting campus Wednesday & Thursday.

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An open, honest discussion on short duration psychedelic drugs like DMT and salvia. Just Say Know is a non-abstinance only drug education program.

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 SSDP Presents Just Say Know - An honest and interactive discussion about DMT and Salvia and how to stay safe

 March 27th at 8pm in room 206 of the Business School

Facebook Event --->

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Contributed by Alexis Singh on 03/24/13 

With National STD Awareness Month coming soon in April, join IC VOX in our first Golden Condom Egg Hunt!

Be on the lookout for colorful eggs around campus. The first person to find the golden condom egg will win FREE giftcards and goodies!

It'll be starting today so get ready! Monday, March 25th – Monday, April 1st

Find daily clues on our Facebook and Twitter pages! Also, follow our Facebook event at for more info!  #icvoxcondomhunt 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact IC VOX at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Join IC VOX in a discussion with our special guests, Professor Mo Baptiste and Professor Shewanee Howard-Baptiste on their research in Public Health and Education Reform. 

When: Monday, March 25th @ 7pm

Where: Friends 209 

Can't wait to see you there!  -IC VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood 

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This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.

This summer the writing department will offer an online course in Travel Writing taught by Professor Nick Kowalczyk. The 3-credit, 300-level course will be offered through the month of July. It focuses on both the kind of travel writing you see in magazines & guidebooks, plus the kind of "literary" writing published as travelogues, memoirs, essays, and foreign correspondence & reportage. Please read the course description on HomerConnect & contact Professor Kowalczyk ( if you have any questions.

China and Japan are currently experiencing an extremely difficult period in their relationship. Rising tensions over the East China Sea (ECS) are producing a series of negative actions and reactions, exemplifying the typical downward spiral of the security dilemma. Why and how has the ECS become a source of conflict and insecurity, and why have tensions escalated in recent years? Can the challenges posed by the current tensions be turned into opportunities to take China-Japan relations into a more positive direction? Dr. Cui’s lecture will address these questions, place China- Japan relations within emerging regional and international contexts, and offer some policy suggestions for the future.   Shunji Cui, PhD is a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at Marian University in Indianapolis. She is also Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Dr.

Cui received her PhD in international relations at the London School of Economics. She was raised in China and lived in Japan for 10 years.

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Calling all animal lovers! On Wednesday, March 27th at 8:00PM in Textor 102 local conservationist Victoria Campbell will give a presentation on wildlife rehabilitation. Come find out how to make the world a better places for all animals! 

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ITS is pleased to announce that the Technology Learning Center will be offering training on a variety of computing topics during the week of March 25th through March 29th. Click any link below to register online instantly.

Adobe Creative Suite Series:
InDesign: Introduction
Photoshop: Introduction
Photoshop: Using the Pen Tool

(More topics on next page)

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Dr. Cathrene Connery, a leader of the Karen-Burmese American Advocates (KBAA) organization will give a presentation at Food for Thought's general body meeting this Monday, at 7:00 in Friends 201.

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Friday, April 5
6-7:30 p.m.
(Raffles start at 6:30 p.m.)
FREE with senior card ($2 without)
21+ event (Bring ID)

RSVP on our Facebook Event: Toast to 2013

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We are now accepting nominations, including self-nominations, for the 2014 Senior Class Gift Committee.  Please email your nominations to Alyssa Cooper at by Friday, March 29. 

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The Organic Growers of IC are getting ready for the new growing season - Come start some seeds with us and get your hands dirty!

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The Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is looking for a student interested in working 8-10 hours per week to begin Fall 2013 with training this semester. Prefer second semester freshman or sophomore with some office/telephone experience. Applications may be picked up in Smiddy Hall 301 from Sheryl Thurston. All completed applications must be returned by March 29th. Interviews to be held in April.

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Come check out all that IC has to offer in natural beauty - a learn about your own backyard!

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National LGBT Health Awareness Week is March 25-29; the theme of this year's observance is "Come Out for Health."

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The Dean's Student Council invites you to Ice Cream with the Dean!


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